
Adding value to fish is an investment in the future

Value creation from pelagic and demersal fish species
Sustainable aquaculture and fisheries technologies
Innovative seafood processing
Seafood safety and authenticity
Biotechnology and bioprospection
Technological innovations and uses
Innovative uses of micro and macro algae
Seafood consumption and consumers

Section 1: – Value creation from pelagic and demersal fish species

On board handling and processing technologies
Commercially interesting processing technologies
New Product Development for global markets
Marketing and tailoring new value propositions towards lucrative market

Section 2 : Sustainable aquaculture and fisheries technologies

İnnovative technologies for fish breeding with minimal impact on the environment
Integrated aquaculture (fish, blue mussels, sea weed…)
Innovative feeds (insects, microalgae etc…)
Parasite issues in aquaculture (e.g. lice, medicine or biological methods)?
New high performance and environmentally sustainable fish feeds
Study and prevention of disease in fish and other cultivated organisms
Animal welfare and new biomarkers
Bringing together productivity and quality
Impacts of climate change on seafood supply and aquaculture sector

Section 3: Innovative seafood processing

New processing technologies facilitating extended shelf-life
Non-thermal processes and natural additives for shelf-life extension of seafood and products.
Validation of new packaging formats
Superchilling/brine freezing
Other techniques ashore (high pressure, plasma etc.)
Innovative processing technologies and novel products from underutilized resources
Blue technology: added value through enhanced quality and safety
New technologies and processing strategies for sustainability
From test tube to factory: case studies
Innovative strategy for enhancing nature-based solutions during climate technology transfer process

Section 4: Seafood safety and authenticity

Protecting food safety and consumer
Parasites from both the regulatory and industry perspective
Seafood safety: emerging risks
Seafood fraud and bad practice

Section 5: Biotechnology and bioprospection

New movements toward fully utilization of marine resources
Utilization of seafood processing byproducts via conversion to value-added products, especially functional ingredients or nutraceuticals.
Growing and emerging markets for health and wellness seafood products
New products from rest raw materials and underutilized fish species (ingredients, cosmeceutical, pet foods etc.)
Innovative extraction and purification methods for sea resources

Section 6: Technological innovations and uses

Factory automation
New sensor technologies
Leveraging data and analytics in the value-chain

Section 7: Innovative uses of micro and macro algae

Commercial and industrial algae cultivation has numerous uses, including production of nutraceuticals such as omega-3 fatty acids (as algal oil) or natural food colorants and dyes, food, fertilizers, bioplastics, chemical feedstock (raw material), protein-rich animal/aquaculture feed, pharmaceuticals, algal fuelbe, pollution control and natural carbon sequestration.

Section 8: Seafood consumption and consumers

Understanding consumers and market drivers
Research for market needs and future consumer demand
Market inspiration from far east
Consumer trends, signals…
Fish consumption patterns and value chain analysis
Health and nutrition
Health promoting marine-based food
Western European Fish Technologists Association Conference Çeşme, İZMİR

WEFTA 2024
Theme Is Now Published
